Fri, July 22 – Sun, July 24
In-person at the Longhouse in Redmond
(with an online ritual SUN night at 7:45pm Pacific)
Registration costs, schedule, and event descriptions:
The Earth & Sky Pagan Camp-Out is a fee-supported fundraising event. All proceeds beyond event expenses support the Longhouse site.
Join us for a weekend of rustic camping, workshops, rituals presented by Cascadian Sean Ciall and OLOTEAS, and vendors in a magickal wetlands setting. Event will also feature: Bardic Circle ~ Newly Refinished Indoor Pool ~ Aphrodite/Pan Shrine, and more!
3:00 pm: <Site Opens>
5:30 pm: Bring-Your-Own Picnic Dinner (Outdoor Kitchen & Bardic Circle)
6:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Ritual: Opening Circle (with Laura and OLOTEAS, Stone Circle)
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm: Ritual: Call to the Community (with Sean Ciall, Stone Circle)
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Bardic Circle (with Tasha, Bardic Fire)
10:00 pm <Quiet Hours Begin>
10:00 pm: Silent Meditation at the Lady Shrine (with Stephanie, Lady Shrine)
11:00 pm: Summer Stargazing workshop (with Robert, Stone Circle)
Karol’s Kitchen open 7:00 am-11:00 am for breakfast
9:00 am Morning Coffee Klatch (with Stephanie)
10:30 am Plant Walk (with Stephanie, meet at the Community Garden)
11:30 am Growing Up Pagan: Sun brews (with Sebastien, meet at the Community Garden)
Karol’s Kitchen open 11 am-4:00 pm for lunch
12:00 pm GaeaGenesis: Conception & Birth of the Living Earth (with Oberon Zell, Workshop Tent, masks required)
1:30 pm Tanistry Games (with Caroline)
3:00 pm Lowland Games (with Caroline)
4:30 pm Sea Shanty Workshop (with Doc and guests, Bardic Circle)
Karol’s Kitchen open 5:30 pm-8:00 pm for dinner
8:30 pm Sky Clad Ritual: The Sacrifice (with Sean Ciall, Stone Circle)
9:00-midnight Healing Temple open and staffed
10:00 pm <Quiet Hours Begin>
Karol’s Kitchen open 9:00 am – 2:00 pm for Sunday Brunch
9:00 am: Ritual: Deliver us From Evil Redux (with Stephanie and OLOTEAS, Stone Circle)
10:00 am - 11:00 am: Workshop: Quaker Pagan Meeting for Worship (with Laura, Workshop Tent, masks required)
11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Young Adult & Occult discussion (Workshop Tent, masks required)
11:00-12:00 (volunteer clean-up shift)
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Shadow Work Fact and Fiction (with Rich, Workshop Tent, masks required)
1:00 pm close pool and shrine
1:00 pm-2:00 pm: Sacred Drumming Through Bodhran (with Doc, Workshop Tent, masks required)
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Kids' Popsicle Party (with The Magical Miscreants, Outdoor Kitchen)
2:00 pm Cleanup begins
3:00 pm Ritual: Closing Circle (with Jayson and OLOTEAS, Stone Circle)
4:00 pm: <Longhouse Site Closes>
7:45pm-8pm Zoom meeting opens & general discussion
8-8:15pm Opening orientation with round of names/pronouns & Rose/Bud/Thorn
8:15pm Community Announcements / Pre-Rit Discussion / Ritual: Lughnasadh (with Kimberly)
9pm Coffee Klatch Discussion: Topic: What Does Magick Feel Like? (with Jayson)
9:45pm Wrap-up / general discussion / sign off
10pm Zoom meeting closes