Our Lady of the Earth and Sky invites all to join us for Concentric Circles 2025!
Join us for a day of rituals, workshops, networking, and celebration!
Saturday, February 22, 2025 — 1:00 pm to 9:30 pm
In person at the Longhouse in Redmond (see directions below)
Founded in 1998, Concentric Circles is an annual, all-day, public event where OLOTEAS invites other regional Pagan groups to present workshops and rituals. Concentric Circles is a wonderful opportunity to sample the Pagan possibilities in our broader regional community.
For those of you who have not attended before, the Longhouse site is a large acreage on a wetlands with a main house, stone circle, outbuildings, and a heated pool and hot tub. The event includes rituals, workshops, and other presentations from various local Pagan groups and traditions. It's always a wonderful day of learning, worship, and community building!
OLOTEAS is an inclusive, welcoming, family-friendly, queer-and-trans-friendly, and anti-racist space.
Schedule of Events
1:00 pm Doors open
1:20 – 1:50 Opening Circle (Stone Circle -- OLOTEAS)
2:00 – 9:00 Many workshops and rituals
~We are currently recruiting presenters for Concentric Circles 2025. We will post schedule and presenter information here by mid-February.~
9:00 Clean-up begins
9:00 – 9:15 Closing Circle (Stone Circle)
9:30 pm Doors close
As a community we care for each other:
OLOTEAS is designed to be a safe space for everyone. We each have different spiritual and cultural backgrounds, and we come together to intentionally create a welcoming and inclusive environment in which personal responsibility is encouraged, and bodily autonomy is respected. We ask everyone to participate in our welcoming culture as you interact with others here.
Questions or concerns? Please send email to [email protected].
Join us for a day of rituals, workshops, networking, and celebration!
Saturday, February 22, 2025 — 1:00 pm to 9:30 pm
In person at the Longhouse in Redmond (see directions below)
Founded in 1998, Concentric Circles is an annual, all-day, public event where OLOTEAS invites other regional Pagan groups to present workshops and rituals. Concentric Circles is a wonderful opportunity to sample the Pagan possibilities in our broader regional community.
For those of you who have not attended before, the Longhouse site is a large acreage on a wetlands with a main house, stone circle, outbuildings, and a heated pool and hot tub. The event includes rituals, workshops, and other presentations from various local Pagan groups and traditions. It's always a wonderful day of learning, worship, and community building!
OLOTEAS is an inclusive, welcoming, family-friendly, queer-and-trans-friendly, and anti-racist space.
- Site donation: For Concentric Circles, requested donation is $15 for each person 13 years and older, none requested for 12 and under, and waived if you are a ritualist or presenter. Thank you!
- Pool and hot tub are open. The pool area is clothing-optional. Please bring your own towels, the Longhouse can no longer provide them.
- Please bring food for yourself -- There will NOT be a potluck during Concentric Circles.
- Note earlier time: Doors open with Opening Circle at 1 pm.
- A Healing Temple will be open in the Shrine building from 2 – 8:30 pm. This is space available for rest, refreshment, and calm throughout the event.
Schedule of Events
1:00 pm Doors open
1:20 – 1:50 Opening Circle (Stone Circle -- OLOTEAS)
2:00 – 9:00 Many workshops and rituals
~We are currently recruiting presenters for Concentric Circles 2025. We will post schedule and presenter information here by mid-February.~
9:00 Clean-up begins
9:00 – 9:15 Closing Circle (Stone Circle)
9:30 pm Doors close
As a community we care for each other:
OLOTEAS is designed to be a safe space for everyone. We each have different spiritual and cultural backgrounds, and we come together to intentionally create a welcoming and inclusive environment in which personal responsibility is encouraged, and bodily autonomy is respected. We ask everyone to participate in our welcoming culture as you interact with others here.
- Please shower before entering the pool and hot tub.
- Please wear a mask if you are more comfortable doing so.
- We ask that you wash your hands frequently, especially before and after before having treats from the coffee bar.
- Please do not attend if you are experiencing symptoms of a contagious illness.
- No alcohol or non-prescribed drugs are allowed on site.
- Predatory behavior is not tolerated.
Questions or concerns? Please send email to [email protected].
Concentric Circles 2024 featured presentations from:
Thank you to our participating ritualists and presenters!
Presentation & Ritual Descriptions from 2024
1:00 pm Doors open
1:20 – 1:50 Opening Circle (Stone Circle)
Join us for site and schedule orientation, and a ritual to welcome and create sacred space to hold the day.
2:00 – 3:00 Ritual: Druid Triskelion Ritual (Stone Circle)
Circle of Coll, Seed Group of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids (OBOD)
The Circle of Coll Seed Group offers a Druidic Triskelion Ritual. This ritual is blessings of the Land, Sea and Sky with seeds of healing, growth and wisdom, as we emerge from Winter.
2:00 – 3:00 Workshop: In Whose Image? (Library)
Janice Van Cleve, Women of the Goddess Circle
Did God create us in his image, or did we create him in our image? And who says “he” is a he? Janice Van Cleve, author of Gods, Gaps, and Gravity, explores this and other questions about the nature of deity and how we relate to it – or not.
2:00 – 3:00 Workshop: Music and the Occult (Block House)
Doc, Canis Cosmos
Explore how your Zodiacal Sign, your planets, and your magical system of correspondences can incorporate music. Find out how and why musical keys were already a part of the Western Esoteric Tradition. Demonstrations of the different notes on the 12-tone scale and how they relate to the 12 Zodiacs will be offered.
3:00 – 4:00 Ritual: Sylvan Tradition Ritual (Stone Circle)
Sol Silvereye, Jim “Birch” Barker, and Sophia Sparkles, Spectrum Grove
We are showcasing a traditional ritual in the Sylvan Tradition. The Sylvan Tradition was founded in California in the 1970s before making its way up the coast to Washington. Sylvan Tradition is its own form of witchcraft, though one may see a combination of influences from Wicca, Druidism, and Feri Tradition practices. As a Tradition, each coven meets regularly at full moons, dark moons, and the eight sabbats. Our wish today is to share with you what our style of witchcraft looks like and how our particular coven practices. We hope to see you in circle! Blessed Be!
3:00 – 4:00 Presentation: Pagan Ethics: A Journey Through Time, Traditions, and Tomorrow (Library)
Stillness Pathway Assembly & Cherry Hill Seminary
Ethics in Pagan culture is perhaps the defining difference between ourselves and other faiths. Ethics form the backbone of our spiritual practice, shaping our actions and guiding our decisions. We'll explore historical forms of ethics and how they became our why. We'll discuss and explore some examples to work through together.
3:00 – 4:00 Young Adult & Occult Discussion: What is Magic? (Block House)
Shay and Tully, Magical Miscreants
Young Adult & Occult is a discussion group for Pagans in their late teens and early twenties to build community and learn together. This month we will be discussing magic and what it is.
4:00 – 5:00 Discussion: Conceptualizing Spiritual Community (Library)
Sebastien, Magical Miscreants
Bringing the Young Adult & Occult format to the broader community, this all-ages discussion will be about spiritual community and how we conceptualize it.
4:00 – 5:00 Presentation and Ritual: Introduction to Thelema and Ordo Templi Orientis (Block House)
Entelecheia, Horizon Ordo Templi Orientis
The religion known as Thelema was founded in 1904 by the English poet and mystic Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947), who is regarded as its prophet. This presentation provides an overview of Thelema, its principles, its worldview, and its main spiritual techniques of magick and yoga. It also provides an overview of Ordo Templi Orientis, the organization which Crowley founded, and which is today the largest Thelemic organization in the world. We will conclude with a short eucharistic ritual intended to provide a direct experience of the magick of Thelema.
4:00 – 5:00 Growing Up Pagan: Magical Jewelry (Kids’ Room)
Abhainn, Magical Miscreants
Growing Up Pagan is a series of kids’ classes taught by second-generation Pagans, for kids growing up in the Pagan community. This month we will be learning about and making magical jewelry and charms.
4:00 – 7:00 Karol’s Kitchen (outside, off the pool area facing the Block House)
Karol will be grilling and selling burgers for $10 cash ($10 bills preferred, if possible).
Note: no food is allowed in the pool area.
5:00 – 6:00 Brown bag dinner/snack break (NO POTLUCK – bring your own food or get a burger from Karol)
This is designated time to break for some food. Bring your own brown-bag dinner – there will NOT be a potluck. Reminders: You can store food in the refrigerator on the back porch of the kitchen – you may want to write your name on your food. Please note you cannot prepare meat on kitchen counters (pre-cooked meat ok). No alcohol on site.
6:00 – 7:00 A Ritual for the Community, to Work Energy Toward Our Will (Stone Circle)
We will raise energy together towards the wishes you have for the world, the community, and yourselves at this time. All energy raised will be for the good of all and harming none. If you have a request for the ritual that you’d like to share before the event, you can submit it on this public Google document.
7:00 – 8:00 Presentation: The Essence of Sean Ciall (Block House)
Cascadian Sean Ciall
This presentation will dive into the basics of Sean Ciall, who we are, what we do, and why we exist. We will cover the four Fire Festivals we sometimes host, dive into a brief summary of each of the three circles, Sword, Song, and Spell, as well as introduce the basics of our methods and madness.
8:00 – 9:00 Fires of Brigid: Hosting of the Poetess and Prophetess (Block House)
Cascadian Sean Ciall
Note: The ritual is skyclad (naked), and all participants are required to disrobe as part of the ritual, or be skyclad in the ritual space prior to start.
Sean Ciall will be hosting their annual Fires of Brigid Ritual as a public ritual where the participants will come together in song and dance to travel from this world into the otherworld, where they will come face to face with Lady Brigid and An Morrigan. They will finish the ritual, after they have left behind that which they need to drop, and put forth that which they wish to grow, forged anew by Lady Brigid, and tempered by An Morrigan.
9:00 Clean-up begins
Please take all your belongings to your personal vehicles at this time. We appreciate help cleaning up the space at the end of our events as well.
9:00 – 9:15 Closing Circle (Stone Circle)
Join us for a ritual of thanksgiving for the sacred space we’ve held all day.
9:30 pm Doors close
Group & Organization Descriptions from 2024
Canis Cosmos, ko-fi.com/caniscosmos
Canis Cosmos is a spiritual consultation service offered by Doc McDowell and specializes in Astrology, Tarot, and Archetypal Therapy.
Cascadian Sean Ciall, seanciall.org
Sean Ciall is a Celtic-inspired Magickal organization which focuses on the alchemical magick of the forest, sea, and sky, rather than the alchemy of the laboratory, temple, or hermit’s cell. The magick exists on the three realms of body, mind, and spirit, which are considered inseparable and indispensable parts of a greater whole. Sean Ciall is “divided” into three Circles, these are specific realms of influence and study chosen by the individual practitioners:
Cherry Hill Seminary, cherryhillseminary.org
Cherry Hill Seminary, the leading provider of higher education and training for Pagan clergy and spiritual practitioners. Our mission to educate, empower, and equip individuals for leadership, ministry, and personal growth within the Pagan and larger spiritual community guides our comprehensive marketing strategy.
Circle of Coll, circleofcoll.org
The Circle of Coll, a Seed Group of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD), works with Druidry as a spiritual way and practice. It fills the desire to be fully creative in our lives, to commune deeply with the world of Nature, and to gain access to a source of profound wisdom.
Horizon Lodge Ordo Templi Orientis, seattle-oto.org
Horizon Lodge is a duly chartered body of Ordo Templi Orientis, established to promote the philosophical and religious system known as Thelema. At Horizon our mission is to empower individuals to unlock their freedom and creative potential through the study and application of Thelema. We are a community of spiritual practitioners guided by the values of individual liberty, self-knowledge, self-discipline, and solidarity. We provide an experience of Thelema in Seattle by offering participation in the ecclesiastical and initiatory rites of OTO, original magical rituals, classes, and social events.
Magickal Miscreants, oloteas.org/young-adult-and-occult.html
The Magickal Miscreants are a group of Pagan young adults who run children's programming and spiritual discussion groups for teens and young adults at OLOTEAS.
Our Lady of the Earth and Sky (OLOTEAS), oloteas.org
OLOTEAS is a non-denominational Pagan church. We are a volunteer-run, non-profit religious organization providing family-oriented Pagan religious services and workshops since 1995. We are dedicated to promoting religious tolerance and freedom and environmental sustainability. Email: [email protected]
Spectrum Grove, spectrumgrove.com
A dedicated coven of witches in the Sylvan Tradition based out of Seattle, WA.
Stillness Pathway Assembly, tokeepsilent.me
Sacred Pathways Assembly is dedicated to fostering a nurturing and inclusive community where individuals can explore and deepen their Pagan spiritual journeys. Our mission is to offer guidance, wisdom, and support as we collectively seek to understand and embody the sacredness of Pagan spiritual paths in our modern world. Our vision is to create a world where Pagan spirituality is celebrated by seekers and embraced through religious identity and cultural norming by the larger world.
Women of the Goddess Circle, womenofthegoddess.godaddysites.com
The Women of the Goddess Circle is a feminist Pagan community of women in the Dianic tradition of Wicca. We have been celebrating the eight Sabbats of the year for 34 years! We encourage continued learning and very creative rituals. We welcome newcomers. Contact us through our website.
Wanna chat between events?
Join us on the OLOTEAS Discord server!
What to Bring to the Longhouse:
Please bring a potluck dish to share. No meat may be prepared on the kitchen surfaces (pre-cooked meat is acceptable). We encourage you to bring your own feast gear (plate, utensils, cup) -- this avoids the use of disposable dinnerware. No alcohol or other intoxicants are allowed at OLOTEAS events. Bring a towel for pool/hot tub use. The Longhouse no longer loans out towels -- please bring your own. (Note: the pool area is clothing-optional.) Shoes cannot be worn indoors, so please wear a pair that can be slipped easily on and off. Please bring layered clothing for colder/wetter weather if desired. Also, please note that, due to allergy and wildlife concerns, no pets are allowed on site (except service animals).
A Note About Children:
This site features a swimming pool, hot tub, and many natural outside features that pose potential risks for unattended children. Parents are responsible for the safety and behavior of their children at OLOTEAS events. All children under 13 must be supervised at ALL times. If outdoors, or in the pool area, children must be within line-of-site of their parent or caregiver. In the pool area, an individual adult may be responsible FOR NO MORE THAN 3 CHILDREN (those under 13). Most events offer a kids' class or activity for younger kids and a Young Adult & Occult discussion group (ages 15-25). There are also some games and craft supplies available.
A Note About Parking and Carpooling:
Parking availability at the Longhouse is limited – please carpool if at all possible. Park near the outdoor "Registration" booth or along the stretch of the driveway near the outdoor kitchen and stage areas. Please park close to the adjacent vehicle, but be considerate of vehicles displaying disability license plates or signs. Once at the site, due to limited space, we advise that folks leave most personal belongings in their vehicles. There is no public transit option for the Longhouse, so if you are able to offer a ride or are looking for one, please feel free to post ride availability or requests to the OLOTEAS community email list or our Facebook group page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/oloteas/).
Directions to the Longhouse:
Take 520 eastbound to the Redmond Way/Fall City (WA 202) Exit. Turn right at the light at the end of the off ramp. Go approximately 5 miles on Redmond-Fall City Road. Driveway is on the right, 23301 (directly across from SmartStop Self Storage). If you pass Albertson's, you have gone about 100 yards too far. When you first pull into the drive you should immediately see a large wooden sign that says The Longhouse; if you don’t you are in the neighbors’ drive.
Our Lady of the Earth and Sky
Mailing address: 12345 Lake City Way NE #195 Seattle, WA 98125-5401
Longhouse event address: 23301 NE Redmond-Fall City Road, Redmond, 98053
Website: http://www.oloteas.org/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oloteas/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/oloteas/
Discord server: https://discord.gg/CJKsksmDED
Email: OLOTEAS (at) oloteas (dot) org
- Canis Cosmos
- Cascadian Sean Ciall
- Circle of Coll
- Horizon Lodge Ordo Templi Orientis
- Magickal Miscreants
- Spectrum Grove
- Stillness Pathway Assembly & Cherry Hill Seminary
- Women of the Goddess Circle
- Our Lady of the Earth and Sky (OLOTEAS)
Thank you to our participating ritualists and presenters!
Presentation & Ritual Descriptions from 2024
1:00 pm Doors open
1:20 – 1:50 Opening Circle (Stone Circle)
Join us for site and schedule orientation, and a ritual to welcome and create sacred space to hold the day.
2:00 – 3:00 Ritual: Druid Triskelion Ritual (Stone Circle)
Circle of Coll, Seed Group of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids (OBOD)
The Circle of Coll Seed Group offers a Druidic Triskelion Ritual. This ritual is blessings of the Land, Sea and Sky with seeds of healing, growth and wisdom, as we emerge from Winter.
2:00 – 3:00 Workshop: In Whose Image? (Library)
Janice Van Cleve, Women of the Goddess Circle
Did God create us in his image, or did we create him in our image? And who says “he” is a he? Janice Van Cleve, author of Gods, Gaps, and Gravity, explores this and other questions about the nature of deity and how we relate to it – or not.
2:00 – 3:00 Workshop: Music and the Occult (Block House)
Doc, Canis Cosmos
Explore how your Zodiacal Sign, your planets, and your magical system of correspondences can incorporate music. Find out how and why musical keys were already a part of the Western Esoteric Tradition. Demonstrations of the different notes on the 12-tone scale and how they relate to the 12 Zodiacs will be offered.
3:00 – 4:00 Ritual: Sylvan Tradition Ritual (Stone Circle)
Sol Silvereye, Jim “Birch” Barker, and Sophia Sparkles, Spectrum Grove
We are showcasing a traditional ritual in the Sylvan Tradition. The Sylvan Tradition was founded in California in the 1970s before making its way up the coast to Washington. Sylvan Tradition is its own form of witchcraft, though one may see a combination of influences from Wicca, Druidism, and Feri Tradition practices. As a Tradition, each coven meets regularly at full moons, dark moons, and the eight sabbats. Our wish today is to share with you what our style of witchcraft looks like and how our particular coven practices. We hope to see you in circle! Blessed Be!
3:00 – 4:00 Presentation: Pagan Ethics: A Journey Through Time, Traditions, and Tomorrow (Library)
Stillness Pathway Assembly & Cherry Hill Seminary
Ethics in Pagan culture is perhaps the defining difference between ourselves and other faiths. Ethics form the backbone of our spiritual practice, shaping our actions and guiding our decisions. We'll explore historical forms of ethics and how they became our why. We'll discuss and explore some examples to work through together.
3:00 – 4:00 Young Adult & Occult Discussion: What is Magic? (Block House)
Shay and Tully, Magical Miscreants
Young Adult & Occult is a discussion group for Pagans in their late teens and early twenties to build community and learn together. This month we will be discussing magic and what it is.
4:00 – 5:00 Discussion: Conceptualizing Spiritual Community (Library)
Sebastien, Magical Miscreants
Bringing the Young Adult & Occult format to the broader community, this all-ages discussion will be about spiritual community and how we conceptualize it.
4:00 – 5:00 Presentation and Ritual: Introduction to Thelema and Ordo Templi Orientis (Block House)
Entelecheia, Horizon Ordo Templi Orientis
The religion known as Thelema was founded in 1904 by the English poet and mystic Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947), who is regarded as its prophet. This presentation provides an overview of Thelema, its principles, its worldview, and its main spiritual techniques of magick and yoga. It also provides an overview of Ordo Templi Orientis, the organization which Crowley founded, and which is today the largest Thelemic organization in the world. We will conclude with a short eucharistic ritual intended to provide a direct experience of the magick of Thelema.
4:00 – 5:00 Growing Up Pagan: Magical Jewelry (Kids’ Room)
Abhainn, Magical Miscreants
Growing Up Pagan is a series of kids’ classes taught by second-generation Pagans, for kids growing up in the Pagan community. This month we will be learning about and making magical jewelry and charms.
4:00 – 7:00 Karol’s Kitchen (outside, off the pool area facing the Block House)
Karol will be grilling and selling burgers for $10 cash ($10 bills preferred, if possible).
Note: no food is allowed in the pool area.
5:00 – 6:00 Brown bag dinner/snack break (NO POTLUCK – bring your own food or get a burger from Karol)
This is designated time to break for some food. Bring your own brown-bag dinner – there will NOT be a potluck. Reminders: You can store food in the refrigerator on the back porch of the kitchen – you may want to write your name on your food. Please note you cannot prepare meat on kitchen counters (pre-cooked meat ok). No alcohol on site.
6:00 – 7:00 A Ritual for the Community, to Work Energy Toward Our Will (Stone Circle)
We will raise energy together towards the wishes you have for the world, the community, and yourselves at this time. All energy raised will be for the good of all and harming none. If you have a request for the ritual that you’d like to share before the event, you can submit it on this public Google document.
7:00 – 8:00 Presentation: The Essence of Sean Ciall (Block House)
Cascadian Sean Ciall
This presentation will dive into the basics of Sean Ciall, who we are, what we do, and why we exist. We will cover the four Fire Festivals we sometimes host, dive into a brief summary of each of the three circles, Sword, Song, and Spell, as well as introduce the basics of our methods and madness.
8:00 – 9:00 Fires of Brigid: Hosting of the Poetess and Prophetess (Block House)
Cascadian Sean Ciall
Note: The ritual is skyclad (naked), and all participants are required to disrobe as part of the ritual, or be skyclad in the ritual space prior to start.
Sean Ciall will be hosting their annual Fires of Brigid Ritual as a public ritual where the participants will come together in song and dance to travel from this world into the otherworld, where they will come face to face with Lady Brigid and An Morrigan. They will finish the ritual, after they have left behind that which they need to drop, and put forth that which they wish to grow, forged anew by Lady Brigid, and tempered by An Morrigan.
9:00 Clean-up begins
Please take all your belongings to your personal vehicles at this time. We appreciate help cleaning up the space at the end of our events as well.
9:00 – 9:15 Closing Circle (Stone Circle)
Join us for a ritual of thanksgiving for the sacred space we’ve held all day.
9:30 pm Doors close
Group & Organization Descriptions from 2024
Canis Cosmos, ko-fi.com/caniscosmos
Canis Cosmos is a spiritual consultation service offered by Doc McDowell and specializes in Astrology, Tarot, and Archetypal Therapy.
Cascadian Sean Ciall, seanciall.org
Sean Ciall is a Celtic-inspired Magickal organization which focuses on the alchemical magick of the forest, sea, and sky, rather than the alchemy of the laboratory, temple, or hermit’s cell. The magick exists on the three realms of body, mind, and spirit, which are considered inseparable and indispensable parts of a greater whole. Sean Ciall is “divided” into three Circles, these are specific realms of influence and study chosen by the individual practitioners:
- Cearcall a claidheamh: Circle of the Sword. Realm of the body, the Fir Bolg. The training is martial.
- Cearcall as oran: Circle of the Song. Realm of the mind, the Fomorians. Training is musical.
- Cearcall a drùidheachd: Circle of the Spell. Realm of the spirit, the Tuatha de Dannan. Training is sorceric.
Cherry Hill Seminary, cherryhillseminary.org
Cherry Hill Seminary, the leading provider of higher education and training for Pagan clergy and spiritual practitioners. Our mission to educate, empower, and equip individuals for leadership, ministry, and personal growth within the Pagan and larger spiritual community guides our comprehensive marketing strategy.
Circle of Coll, circleofcoll.org
The Circle of Coll, a Seed Group of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD), works with Druidry as a spiritual way and practice. It fills the desire to be fully creative in our lives, to commune deeply with the world of Nature, and to gain access to a source of profound wisdom.
Horizon Lodge Ordo Templi Orientis, seattle-oto.org
Horizon Lodge is a duly chartered body of Ordo Templi Orientis, established to promote the philosophical and religious system known as Thelema. At Horizon our mission is to empower individuals to unlock their freedom and creative potential through the study and application of Thelema. We are a community of spiritual practitioners guided by the values of individual liberty, self-knowledge, self-discipline, and solidarity. We provide an experience of Thelema in Seattle by offering participation in the ecclesiastical and initiatory rites of OTO, original magical rituals, classes, and social events.
Magickal Miscreants, oloteas.org/young-adult-and-occult.html
The Magickal Miscreants are a group of Pagan young adults who run children's programming and spiritual discussion groups for teens and young adults at OLOTEAS.
Our Lady of the Earth and Sky (OLOTEAS), oloteas.org
OLOTEAS is a non-denominational Pagan church. We are a volunteer-run, non-profit religious organization providing family-oriented Pagan religious services and workshops since 1995. We are dedicated to promoting religious tolerance and freedom and environmental sustainability. Email: [email protected]
Spectrum Grove, spectrumgrove.com
A dedicated coven of witches in the Sylvan Tradition based out of Seattle, WA.
Stillness Pathway Assembly, tokeepsilent.me
Sacred Pathways Assembly is dedicated to fostering a nurturing and inclusive community where individuals can explore and deepen their Pagan spiritual journeys. Our mission is to offer guidance, wisdom, and support as we collectively seek to understand and embody the sacredness of Pagan spiritual paths in our modern world. Our vision is to create a world where Pagan spirituality is celebrated by seekers and embraced through religious identity and cultural norming by the larger world.
Women of the Goddess Circle, womenofthegoddess.godaddysites.com
The Women of the Goddess Circle is a feminist Pagan community of women in the Dianic tradition of Wicca. We have been celebrating the eight Sabbats of the year for 34 years! We encourage continued learning and very creative rituals. We welcome newcomers. Contact us through our website.
Wanna chat between events?
Join us on the OLOTEAS Discord server!
What to Bring to the Longhouse:
Please bring a potluck dish to share. No meat may be prepared on the kitchen surfaces (pre-cooked meat is acceptable). We encourage you to bring your own feast gear (plate, utensils, cup) -- this avoids the use of disposable dinnerware. No alcohol or other intoxicants are allowed at OLOTEAS events. Bring a towel for pool/hot tub use. The Longhouse no longer loans out towels -- please bring your own. (Note: the pool area is clothing-optional.) Shoes cannot be worn indoors, so please wear a pair that can be slipped easily on and off. Please bring layered clothing for colder/wetter weather if desired. Also, please note that, due to allergy and wildlife concerns, no pets are allowed on site (except service animals).
A Note About Children:
This site features a swimming pool, hot tub, and many natural outside features that pose potential risks for unattended children. Parents are responsible for the safety and behavior of their children at OLOTEAS events. All children under 13 must be supervised at ALL times. If outdoors, or in the pool area, children must be within line-of-site of their parent or caregiver. In the pool area, an individual adult may be responsible FOR NO MORE THAN 3 CHILDREN (those under 13). Most events offer a kids' class or activity for younger kids and a Young Adult & Occult discussion group (ages 15-25). There are also some games and craft supplies available.
A Note About Parking and Carpooling:
Parking availability at the Longhouse is limited – please carpool if at all possible. Park near the outdoor "Registration" booth or along the stretch of the driveway near the outdoor kitchen and stage areas. Please park close to the adjacent vehicle, but be considerate of vehicles displaying disability license plates or signs. Once at the site, due to limited space, we advise that folks leave most personal belongings in their vehicles. There is no public transit option for the Longhouse, so if you are able to offer a ride or are looking for one, please feel free to post ride availability or requests to the OLOTEAS community email list or our Facebook group page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/oloteas/).
Directions to the Longhouse:
Take 520 eastbound to the Redmond Way/Fall City (WA 202) Exit. Turn right at the light at the end of the off ramp. Go approximately 5 miles on Redmond-Fall City Road. Driveway is on the right, 23301 (directly across from SmartStop Self Storage). If you pass Albertson's, you have gone about 100 yards too far. When you first pull into the drive you should immediately see a large wooden sign that says The Longhouse; if you don’t you are in the neighbors’ drive.
Our Lady of the Earth and Sky
Mailing address: 12345 Lake City Way NE #195 Seattle, WA 98125-5401
Longhouse event address: 23301 NE Redmond-Fall City Road, Redmond, 98053
Website: http://www.oloteas.org/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oloteas/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/oloteas/
Discord server: https://discord.gg/CJKsksmDED
Email: OLOTEAS (at) oloteas (dot) org