Join us for our online Thanksgiving harvest and the beginning of our 25th Anniversary celebration!
Date: Saturday, September 26, 3:00 pm – 7:45 pm (2pm on Discord for Young Adult & Occult)
Where: Online Only – Zoom platform: (Get Zoom mtg link from
NOTE: Due to Coronavirus, OLOTEAS will NOT be meeting in person. We will host our event online-only, on the Zoom platform.
Our September Services will be the kickoff of our 25th Anniversary Year! Please join us for celebration, a thanksgiving ritual, a timely workshop, and more. Thank you for 25 years of support and community! We wouldn't be here without you!
Schedule of Events:
Pacific Time Zone (UTC-7)
2:00–2:55 pm Online Young Adult & Occult Discussion: Basics of Kitchen Witchcraft
Go directly to Discord platform:
3:00 pm Zoom Meeting Begins (Get Zoom mtg link from
3:15 pm Opening Circle (with Stephanie)
3:30–4:30 pm OLOTEAS: 25 Years and Counting (with Stephanie & All)
4:45–6:15 pm Workshop: Astronomy/Wheel of the Year (with Bobby)
6:30 pm Community Announcements followed by Ritual...
Ritual: Thanksgiving Ritual for Mabon 2020 (with Laura)
7:00-7:30 pm OLOTEAS Open Community Discussion
7:30 pm Closing Circle (with Kimberly)
Rituals & Workshops:
2:00pm–2:55pm On Discord Platform: Online Discussion Group: Young Adult & Occult: Basics of Kitchen Witchcraft
Young Adult & Occult is a space for Pagans in their late teens and early twenties (roughly 15-25) to build community and learn together that is held monthly at OLOTEAS events (and sometimes offsite).
For this month's Young Adult & Occult: We will discuss the basics of kitchen witchcraft.
Go directly to Discord platform:
3:00 pm Zoom Meeting Begins
3:15 pm Opening Circle
3:30–4:30 pm OLOTEAS: 25 Years and Counting (with Stephanie & All)
Autumn Equinox marks the beginning of OLOTEAS's 25th Anniversary Year! We can't share cake in person right now, but we can share our stories, memories, and hopes for the future. If you've attended for years, a couple times, or this is your first, please join us to celebrate. Our community has endured (and is enduring!) many an unexpected twist -- we're still here, now and into the future. Let's get this party started!
4:45–6:15 pm Workshop: Astronomy/Wheel of the Year (with Bobby)
For many thousands of years we have watched the skies in wonder as the sun, moon, planets, and stars danced and played before us.
We made them gods, in our own image. In this workshop we will discuss the nature of the heavenly bodies, and ways to incorporate them into our spiritual practices, as our sun slips southward into autumn.
6:30 pm Community Announcements followed by...
Ritual: Thanksgiving Ritual for Mabon 2020 (with Laura)
In the midst of the challenging times we are living through, and as is our thanksgiving tradition, we will come together from our dispersed screens to honor the Earth, reconnect with a sense of gratitude, and share our words of thanks within community.
The ritual will include a moment for candle-lighting and partaking of cakes and ale, so please feel free to bring a candle, a drink, and/or a bit of food to ritual. We’ll also be looking for four volunteers to speak the elemental calls and thanks – scripts will be shared via Zoom chat day-of.
7:00–7:30 pm OLOTEAS Open Community Discussion
Join in conversation to connect and catch up.
7:30 pm Closing Circle
A Note About the OLOTEAS Parents, Etc. Facebook group:
For the parents in our community, if you are not already a member, you may be interested in joining the OLOTEAS Parents, Etc. group, where we will be sharing resources for education and entertainment for the kiddos who are stuck at home. This group is ONLY for family members of children in the OLOTEAS community, and is a private group. To join, please send a friend request to the OLOTEAS Pastor FB account (not the FB group), and also send a DM requesting membership. You will then receive an invitation to join the group.
Also see the GROWING UP PAGAN lesson plans and activity outlines available on our website now.
Our Lady of the Earth and Sky
Mailing address: 12345 Lake City Way NE #195 Seattle, WA 98125-5401
Event address: Currently online
Facebook group:
Facebook page:
Email: OLOTEAS (at) oloteas (dot) org