Our Next Event is:
Saturday, January 25, 2025
At the Longhouse in Redmond
Our Lady of the Earth and Sky invites all to join us for our January services!
Featuring Young Adult & Occult discussion, kids' activity, StitchNWitch, workshop, ritual, indoor swimming, potluck, and community!
Date: Saturday, January 25, 2pm – 9:30pm
Where: 23301 NE Redmond-Fall City Road, Redmond, 98053 (see directions below)
Schedule of Events:
2:00 Longhouse Site opens
2:30 Opening Circle (with Robert)
3:00 All-ages activity: StitchNWitch (with Tarrent)
3:00 Young Adult & Occult Discussion: Magical Cycles (with Valentine)
4:00 Growing Up Pagan: Cooking Magic and Making Soup (with the Magickal Miscreants)
4:00 Workshop: The Laughing Meditation (with Jane)
5:30 Potluck (please bring your own feast gear)
6:30 Newcomers’ Orientation (with Laura)
7:00 Pre-Ritual Discussion with Ritual to follow -- New Year Catharsis: Rage and Release (with Jane)
9:00 Cleanup begins (with Tarrent)
9:30 Closing Circle and Site Closes (with Tarrent)
As a community we care for each other:
OLOTEAS is designed to be a safe space for everyone. We each have different spiritual and cultural backgrounds, and we come together to intentionally create a welcoming and inclusive environment in which personal responsibility is encouraged, and bodily autonomy is respected. We ask everyone to participate in our welcoming culture as you interact with others here.
- Please shower before entering the pool and hot tub.
- Please wear a mask if you are more comfortable doing so.
- We ask that you wash your hands frequently, especially before and after Potluck and before having treats from the coffee bar.
- Please do not attend if you are experiencing symptoms of a contagious illness.
- No alcohol or non-prescribed drugs are allowed on site.
- Predatory behavior is not tolerated.
Questions or concerns? Please send email to [email protected].
Workshops & Rituals:
2:00 pm: Longhouse site opens
2:30 pm: Opening Circle (with Robert)
3:00 pm: All-ages activity: StitchNWitch (with Tarrent)
StitchNWitch is a social gathering where the community can come together with their favorite crafts (it doesn't have to be stitching!) and join one another in a shared love of crafting and open round-table-style conversation about various topics and interests.
3:00 pm: Young Adult & Occult Discussion Group: Magical Cycles (with Valentine)
Young Adult & Occult is a space for Pagans in their late teens and early twenties (roughly 15-25) to build community and learn together that is held monthly at OLOTEAS events (and sometimes offsite). At this month's Young Adult & Occult: We will discuss magical cycles.
4:00 pm: Growing Up Pagan: Cooking Magic and Making Soup (with the Magickal Miscreants)
This is a series of classes about what it means to grow up Pagan – taught by Pagan kids, for Pagan kids. We are all young adults who grew up in Pagan families, and these classes draw on our personal experiences of what we wish we had known growing up and the kids’ own questions about what it means to be Pagan. At this month's Growing Up Pagan: We will talk about cooking magic and make soup for the community.
4:00 pm: Workshop: The Laughing Meditation (with Jane)
"Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand." - Mark Twain
And studies have shown that laughter lowers stress, boosts the immune system, and can lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It may even aid digestion. Pretty similar benefits to what you would expect from doing regular meditation. Join us and find out what everyone’s laughing about!
5:30 pm: Potluck -- please bring your own feast gear
We encourage you to bring your own feast gear (plate, utensils, cup) to avoid the use of disposable dinnerware.
6:30 pm: Newcomers' Orientation (with Laura)
New to Pagan events or to OLOTEAS? Come to the newcomers' discussion! We'll give you the basics of what you should know, answer any questions you have, and go over more info about what to expect from our rituals and events.
7:00 pm: Pre-Ritual Discussion, followed by Ritual: New Year Catharsis: Rage and Release (with Jane)
“The sharpest sword is a word spoken in wrath.” - Gautama Buddha
As a society, we look down upon anger. From a young age, we are told to calm down, to not be angry. All this pent-up anger sickens us and makes us lash out as individuals. Tonight, let us come together to recognize our anger. We are all angry. Let us clear our minds of the fog of rage so that we can move forward with what needs to be done. In the spirit of a New Year, we will also be passing on affirmations to our fellow ritualists.
NOTE: Expressing anger and watching people express anger can be scary; parental guidance suggested.
9:00 pm: Cleanup begins (with Tarrent)
9:30 pm: Closing Circle and site closes (with Tarrent)
-- January: The Pan/Aphrodite Shrine is closed this month.
Wanna chat between events?
Join us on the OLOTEAS Discord server!
What to Bring to the Longhouse:
Please bring a potluck dish to share. No meat may be prepared on the kitchen surfaces (pre-cooked meat is acceptable). We encourage you to bring your own feast gear (plate, utensils, cup) -- this avoids the use of disposable dinnerware. No alcohol or other intoxicants are allowed at OLOTEAS events. Bring a towel for pool/hot tub use. The Longhouse no longer loans out towels -- please bring your own. (Note: the pool area is clothing-optional.) Shoes cannot be worn indoors, so please wear a pair that can be slipped easily on and off. We strive to do the main ritual outside, regardless of weather, so please bring layered clothing for colder/wetter weather if desired. Feel free to bring and play your drums or other instruments. Also, please note that, due to allergy and wildlife concerns, no pets are allowed on site (except service animals).
Please check in at the front door when you arrive on-site. We are sustained, and do our part to sustain our community and the wider world, through a multidirectional flow of resource contributions. These contributions include but are not limited to money, skill, talent, and material goods. We ask all those who are able to make a money donation when they come to events (usually $10 for ages 13 and up, and we're not requesting donations for ages 12 and under). This is a request, no one ever has or ever will be turned away from a regular OLOTEAS event for lack of funds, but we do sincerely ask for it if you are able.
A Note About Children:
This site features a swimming pool, hot tub, and many natural outside features that pose potential risks for unattended children. Parents are responsible for the safety and behavior of their children at OLOTEAS events. All children under 13 must be supervised at ALL times. If outdoors, or in the pool area, children must be within line-of-site of their parent or caregiver. In the pool area, an individual adult may be responsible FOR NO MORE THAN 3 CHILDREN (those under 13). Most events offer a kids' class or activity for younger kids and a Young Adult & Occult discussion group (ages 15-25). There are also some games and craft supplies available.
A Note About Parking and Carpooling:
Parking availability at the Longhouse is limited – please carpool if at all possible. Park near the outdoor "Registration" booth or along the stretch of the driveway near the outdoor kitchen and stage areas. Please park close to the adjacent vehicle, but be considerate of vehicles displaying disability license plates or signs. Once at the site, due to limited space, we advise that folks leave most personal belongings in their vehicles. There is no public transit option for the Longhouse, so if you are able to offer a ride or are looking for one, please feel free to post ride availability or requests to the OLOTEAS community email list or our Facebook group page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/oloteas/).
A Note About the OLOTEAS Parents, Etc. Facebook group:
For the parents in our community, if you are not already a member, you may be interested in joining the OLOTEAS Parents, Etc. group, where we will be sharing resources for education and entertainment for the kiddos who are stuck at home. This group is ONLY for family members of children in the OLOTEAS community, and is a private group. To join, please send a friend request to the OLOTEAS Pastor FB account (not the FB group), and also send a DM requesting membership. You will then receive an invitation to join the group.
Also see the GROWING UP PAGAN lesson plans and activity outlines available on our website now.
Healing Temple
Our virtual Healing Temple webpage is always open with resources for self-care and finding support.
Directions to the Longhouse:
Take 520 eastbound to the Redmond Way/Fall City (WA 202) Exit. Turn right at the light at the end of the off ramp. Go approximately 5 miles on Redmond-Fall City Road. Driveway is on the right, 23301 (directly across from SmartStop Self Storage). If you pass Albertson's, you have gone about 100 yards too far. When you first pull into the drive you should immediately see a large wooden sign that says The Longhouse; if you don’t you are in the neighbors’ drive.
Our Lady of the Earth and Sky
Mailing address: 12345 Lake City Way NE #195 Seattle, WA 98125-5401
Longhouse event address: 23301 NE Redmond-Fall City Road, Redmond, 98053
Website: http://www.oloteas.org/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oloteas/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/oloteas/
Discord server: https://discord.gg/CJKsksmDED
Email: OLOTEAS (at) oloteas (dot) org